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Rose Garden

SechzehnEichen (Sixteen Oaks) – an estate, dedicated to the splendor of roses.

The various, thematically arranged gardens of SechzehnEichen are open to enthusiastic visitors, designed to transmit an impression of the sheer variety of roses. Rather than a dull, academic, orderly row of roses, succeeeding one another solitarily and without supporting plants, it is the intent to achieve a perfect harmony of „queen“ and „subject“ that will put one under the very special spell inherent to the rose.

The garden is intended to make one simply enjoy it.

A special focus has been placed on the Pernetiana garden, Pernetianas being a certain family of roses stemming from the rose Soleil d'Or, bred by Joseph Pernet-Ducher in at the turn of the century.

In 1900 Pernet-Ducher suceeded in creating the very first repeadetlz blooming, intensively yellow and orange rose from the Remontant-Hybrid Antoine Ducher and the wild rosa foetida persica today known more colloquially as Persian Yellow.

This led to entirely new perspectives of colour in roses and even today many well known roses can trace their ancestry to Soleil d'Or. Unfortunately a great many of these roses disappeared in the last century, due to changing values in breeding and fashion or the first and second world war.

Sechzehn Eichen has taken as its goal to find and make available to the general public as many of these roses as possible, and to that end cooperates with the worlds largest Rosarium in Sangerhausen by taking over the duties of comparison and conservation planting of the Pernetiana family of roses. Because of this close working relationship it is possible to conserve and make available many of these unique roses. There are also close contacts with France and Rose Gardens in Europe and indeed world-wide, to gather as many of the treasures as humanly possible.

The Pernetiana garden is arranged chronologically to show breeding lines. As it would be nigh impossible to display all of the near ten thousand roses that have been bred from Soleil d'Or up to now, one of the worlds most famous roses, Peace (1942) acts as stopping point. Of course there are roses displayed bred later than 1942 although more with the intent to show the evolution of certain family lines.

Guided tours are regularly available, although larger groups are asked to sign up a few days in advance.

The „morbid“ garden.

A certain part of the garden area is dedicated to „morbid“ roses, such that are of deep crimson, blue, greyish or radiantly white colouring and radiate a very special and slightly decadent charm. Aranged on a small rise and overlooked by a dead oak, they exude an almost mystical atmosphere that is especially prevalent in the twilight hours.

The House Garden.

Around the estate and Barn are a multitude of roses not picked for any specific reason other than their individual charm and beauty. Among their number one can find Albas, Centifolia, Damascene, Rugosa, Tea-roses and hybrids, Bourbons and Portland roses picked simply by personal aesthetics.

Planned Projects

A „Mogul-Garden“ is planned for the coming year to provide an example of Indo-Persian horticulture not commonly known in Western Europe.


Should you wish to hold any sort of festivity in the garden, please contact us and together we can find a individual and satisfying outcome.

Should you have any questions regarding the gardens or specific roses we are more than happy to oblige via E-Mail or in person.